For the past few months we have been working with Heritage Baptist Church in Texarkana, TX developing an immersive, engaging street-themed environment for their renovated family wing. The project is getting close to completion, but we wanted to go ahead and share some of our progress!
The church wanted a break from the original space which was quite mural-heavy and visually…well…overwhelming (lots of dense jungle…) They knew that they wanted a street/city themed environment featuring facades that are reminiscent of actual Texarkana landmarks and chose to call the environment Kid City. We chose a lighter color palette to help the area feel appropriate for both their elementary and nursery attenders. We also specified a street and railroad tie floor pattern to lead you through the space.
There are more hallway facades to come as well as two large group stages for the kids!
a panoramic of a few of the hallways
One of the city's main features is that half of it lies in Texas, and the other in Arkansas.
A look into the future large group spaces…
welcome to the Friendship Factory. It's for preschoolers. They make friends here ;)
…and the Upstreet stage. Industrial clubhouses are pretty fun too :)